Living my Spiritual Plan

I am a woman of faith. It IS BECAUSE OF MY FAITH that each new day is a hope and a blessing. I believe The Lord uses people for His plan. While my physical pain is laughable compared to the majority of this world suffering with far worse, such as cancers or persecutions, I know He still uses my laughable pain when I let Him use me. Just last Friday I learned that my daily symptoms (minus the low fever) is actually not a daily cold, but it's a daily sinus infection. Every day my MCAS feels like and mimics a sinus infection. Even after a round of antibiotics, I'm no "better" except that the low fever is gone. Every other symptom is still there, and I'm so sad to admit that the post nasal drip is even worse. The-bane-of-my-existence- symptom is now worse. 😢 The enemy will do that. It's the one symptom that I so desperately want to go away, and this past week, after antibiotics, it's worse than ever. Why? How? If that's not an attack to my spiritual ...