
Let's also add: "Because no words can explain what's going on in your mind, heart, and BODY."
When I do actually {very rarely} "open up" and talk about what *really* goes on with me on a day-to-day basis with a non-friend, it is met with blank stares, awkward silence, uncomfortable comebacks, confused looks [but you wear makeup, put on real clothes, and do your hair?] Or, worse, when I'm asked, "Have you tried taking ________?[specific vitamins, acupuncture, massage, diffusing] Do you_____[juice, eat Keto, eat Vegan, eliminate dairy, etc]?
For over 10 years I have been doing *all.the.things* with my nutrition, my eating {or avoidance of eating 😢}, and my makeup.

So, this is why I (or, WE, in the chronically alive community) stay silent.
And this one simply because last week I did fall apart...albeit to my husband, but somedays that same silence of what I'm trudging through is also why I fall apart. 💔Chronic, invisible illness is not only exhausting to the body, but equally to the mind and soul. I want desperately to be strong and "tough" for my husband and for my kids, but some moments it all just comes falling down around me. 

Thank you to my friends and family who do just this for me. It means so much.



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