
Let's also add: "Because no words can explain what's going on in your mind, heart, and BODY." When I do actually {very rarely} "open up" and talk about what *really* goes on with me on a day-to-day basis with a non-friend, it is met with blank stares, awkward silence, uncomfortable comebacks, confused looks [but you wear makeup, put on real clothes, and do your hair?] Or, worse, when I'm asked, "Have you tried taking ________?[specific vitamins, acupuncture, massage, diffusing] Do you_____[juice, eat Keto, eat Vegan, eliminate dairy, etc]? For over 10 years I have been doing *all.the.things* with my nutrition, my eating {or avoidance of eating 😢}, and my makeup. So, this is why I (or, WE, in the chronically alive community) stay silent. And this one simply because last week I did fall apart...albeit to my husband, but somedays that same silence of what I'm trudging through is also why I fall apart. 💔Chronic, invisible illness is not only exhau...