Pain Marches On (A Quick Recap of 2.75 Years of Not Writing)
I can hardly believe that I'm four months shy of it being 3 years since the last time that I have written. It seems I could do a better job of writing when the kids were younger and we were on a bit of "schedule". Now that everyone is getting older, enjoying their own interests, and going into different directions, I am not sitting down with my computer (or my thoughts 😐) as much. I am hopeful to change that a bit more. How to sum up the past 3 years? I think I left off with a sleep apnea diagnosis and I was awaiting the sleep machine. Well, that was a huge bust. I slept so much worse with the machine than the disrupted sleep (or lack thereof) without the machine so I took it back. I began working at Spokes cafe in August of 2022, and after seeing a Paraprofessional job opportunity at Granger Elementary in October of 2022, I quit Spokes to go work at Granger and I loved that decision! I loved the students, my co-workers, and the environment so much. It felt so great to...
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